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Friday, October 29, 2021

Construction Site Inspection Checklist

Download the Construction Site Inspection Checklist

Construction sector is considered one of the most dangerous industry due to wide range and nature of hazards associated with the activities being performed on the construction site. Many activities are done simultaneously whereas premises is shared by multiple people.

The presence of people onsite and activities being carried out increases the severity of the risk and harm that can be delivered by the hazards if correct control measures are not applied. The Construction Site Inspection Checklist can be used to perform the inspection of the workplace and ensure it is safe for the activities, people, equipment, environment, and public.

A summary of the parameters that are to be checked using this form, is listed below;

1. General Inspection
- Safety signs should be placed.
- Safety meetings should be held on regular basis to review the performance.
- First aid kits and medical equipment are available.
- Trainings and information sharing is being done on regular basis and as per job Activities. Some jobs require specific training.
- Accident reporting is done and policies, procedures, and standard operating procedures are available.
- Emergency Services Contact details are available.
- Onsite Traffic routes are identified, segregated, and safe to use.

2. Housekeeping
- Housekeeping is done on regular basis.
- Waste is removed on daily basis and dumped on secure location.
- Hazardous waste handling is done as per SOP.
- Surface is free of spilled liquids and substances, flooring is not slippery.
- Sanitation is of good standard.

3. Lighting
- Lighting is provided as per requirements.
- Emergency Lighting arrangements are made for use.
- Wiring and switches are in good condition. Insulated wirings are ready to use.
- Defective Equipment and wires are discarded.

4. Site Entry and Exit
- Entry and Exit Points are identified and established.
- Emergency Exits are identified and labelled.
- Exit points are labelled and connected with emergency power to work during emergency.

5. Hazard Communication
- Hazard Communication program is available.
- Employees aware of the Hazard Communication.
- Hazardous Chemicals stored onsite, list is available.
- Hazardous materials are stored properly. Authorized people can use them only.
- Accident alert SOP is available and implemented. People are aware of their duties.

6. Fire Prevention
- Adequate Fire Extinguishers are provided, inspected and maintained.
- Fire extinguisher usage training is provided.
- Fire Alert System comprising of Fire detection and Alarm system is available.
- Fire Fighting System is supported by Electrical and Diesel driven fire pumps.
- Emergency contact numbers are provided onsite.
- Firefighting team is available.
- Fuel and other flammable items are stored safely.
- Fuel/ Flammable substance carrying containers are grounded before use.

7. Flammable Substances & Liquids
- Flammable material is removed from site.
- Minimum quantity is stored onsite.
- Authorized workers are allowed to use it only.
- Workers are trained to use it.
- Approved containers are used for storage of these substances.

8. PPE
- PPEs of approved standard are provided for the execution of task and activities.
- Personnel are trained and experienced, inspect the PPEs before use.
- Personal Fall Arrest System is used for work at height to prevent the fall of workers.

9. Hand Tools
- Hand tools of the approved standard are used and inspected before job.
- Workers are trained and experienced to use these tools.
- Tools are maintained by competent technicians.

10. Power Tools
- Power tools are used for intended job, inspected on regular basis, and Maintenance record is maintained
- Competent workers are using these tools.
- Tools without guards are not used. Tools without guards are sent for maintenance.

11. Ladder
- Ladder of approved standard is used. It is erected on an angle of 75 degrees against a firm structure and secured on top. 
- Ladder is extended 3ft above the landing point.
- Damaged, rusted, ladder with cracks is declined. For electrical work, approved ladder is used.

12. Scaffolding
- Scaffolding is inspected before use. Competent workers erect it while Scaffolding Inspector inspects the scaffolding and permit is issued.
- Scaffolding is erected on firm ground, and secured on top and bottom.
- SWL of scaffolding is mentioned and load limit is not erected.
- Scaffolding is provided with handrailing, mid railing, anchor point, toe boards to prevent the fall of rolling objects.

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