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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Types and Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Types of Mesothelioma

In the last blog, a comprehensive and pedantic introductory note was written about Mesothelioma Cancer which is caused due to exposure to Asbestos. As it is known that Asbestos is used in the construction, chemical industry, painting, and many other fields. The workers are exposed to it, the airborne fibers of the substance are inhaled and they settle in the body and take time to grow up and cause cancer.

The topic of Asbestos is quite interesting, hence this blog specifically focuses on the main types of Mesothelioma so that the readers can be aware of the types and the relevant symptoms.

Important Facts

Mesothelioma has some facts which should be known by everyone, hence they are listed hereunder;
  1. The disease has a great latency period and takes approximately 20 to 50 years to develop into cancer;
  2. Pleural Mesothelioma which is related to the Lungs accounts for 75% of all cases reported related to all 4 types;
  3. Mesothelioma cases are reported mostly among people who are 60+;
  4. People working in minerals or other industries where Asbestos is used in the products are at risk;
  5. Mesothelioma cancer is incurable but the medication available can treat the symptoms;

Types of Mesothelioma

As the Asbestos airborne fibers are inhaled they settle down in the body at 4 different locations and cause the problem, hence Mesothelioma Cancer is classified into 4 different types according to their location. These 4 types of Mesothelioma cancer are listed hereunder & explained later in the blog;
  1. Pleural Mesothelioma
  2. Pericardial Mesothelioma
  3. Peritoneal Mesothelioma
  4. Testicular Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma Detection Methodologies

The doctors adopt various methods to check the patient but the most common methods are Blood Tests, Imaging scanning, and Biopsies. The doctor decides which method will be adopted but initially, doctors tend to carry out blood tests to check if there is any problem. If the problem persists, the doctor will go for the scanning of the required part or X-Ray to find any abnormality which will require radiographic imaging of the section. 

If a more detailed study is required, the patient is sent for a PET scan, CT scan, or MRI in order to gather more information. It is not necessary to carry out both tests separately, the doctor will even go for both methods simultaneously. If the cancer is detected the doctors find the surgery to be the best option to remove the tumor, they can adapt various Biopsies methods.
  1. Physical Examination & Medical History
  2. Blood Tests: MESOMARK - SOMAmer - Human MPF
  3. Imaging Scanning: X-Ray - CT Scan - PET Scan - MRI
  4. Biopsies: Thoracoscopy - Cytology Test - Mediastinoscopy - Laparoscopy
Once the biopsy is performed, the collected evidence is sent to the laboratory for further testing in order to recognize the cell types of the Mesothelioma cancer so that relevant treatment can be selected and initiated.

How Mesothelioma Is Caused?

The primary cause of Mesothelioma is Asbestos which is a substance widely used in construction, mines, minerals, textile, chemical industry, paints, and many other industries. The airborne fibers of the substance are inhaled which settle down in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, heart, etc, damaging the mesothelial cells and creating inflammation. After 20-50 years of exposure to Asbestos, the tumor is created and causes mesothelioma.

In other words, it is a Dose-Response relationship, which means with every exposure to asbestos the chances of the disease increase as the human body inhales more fibers. It must be remembered everyone exposed to a large amount of Asbestos will develop the disease due to various factors e.g., the body's immune system, and even other medication being used for other medical problems which can counter and neutralize the effects of Asbestos.

Explaining Mesothelioma Types

Mesothelioma cancer is categorized into 4 basic types due to its existence in 4 different locations of the body;
  • Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma cancer is rare, and exists in the lining of the lungs of the human body, causing inflammation. The symptoms include;
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Cough, and fluid or water presence in the lungs.
This type of Mesothelioma cancer is the most common and makes up 75% of all Mesothelioma cases. 
  • Pericardial Mesothelioma
The inhaled asbestos fibers settle in the lining of the heart and cause cancer which is very rare. The symptoms of the disease are;
  1. Pain in the chest;
  2. Shortness of breathing even during rest times;
  3. Coughing;
  4. Irregular heartbeat;
  5. Fever & fatigue;
  6. Night sweats
The diagnosis is difficult due to other heart diseases existence. The diagnosis can be late causing other difficulties.

The symptoms of this type of cancer are following;

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Night sweat
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation & Urinary problems;
  • Fever & Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Weight Loss
The disease can be tracked and diagnosed through imaging scanning, blood tests, and biopsies.
  • Peritoneal Mesothelioma

The inhaled fibers of the Asbestos settle down in the lining of the abdomen and cause inflammation. This type of cancer accounts for 20% of all Mesothelioma reported cases. It is a type of Malignant cancer caused by exposure to Asbestos, and the inhaled fibers or ingested ones develop into the peritoneum, a thin layer of the abdomen.

  • Testicular Mesothelioma
Post-exposure to Asbestos, this rare cancer takes place and it is the rarest one, less common than the Pleural and Peritoneal. It is found in the thin layer of the testes, and due to exposure the organ swells, and pain is suffered.

Mesothelioma Cells & Uncontrolled Growth

There are 3 different types of Mesothelioma cells which are explained hereunder;
  1. Epithelioid
  2. Sarcomatoid
  3. Biphasic
These above-mentioned cells are the first step towards the selection of the appropriate treatment methodology, which will be mentioned later.
  • Epithelioid Cells
These cells are clumped together which makes them distinguishable from the other cell types neither they move hence the spread of cancer to the other body parts is less. These cells can take a variety of shapes and sizes either they can be square, long, or flat. If any patient who is diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer is growing Epithelioid cells, the symptoms will be the following;
  1. Breathing shortness;
  2. Persistent Dry Cough;
  3. Fever & Night Sweat;
  4. Weight Loss;
  5. Coughing Up Blood;
  6. Low Blood Oxygen Level;
  7. Nausea & Loss of Appetite - Felling Full;
  8. Fatigue & Extreme Tiredness;
  • Sarcomatoid Cells
The aggressive and resistant cell is a rare variant. The tumor cell quickly spread to the newer areas. These exist in an Oval shape with one or more nuclei in the center. The symptoms of this cell are following;
  1. Breathing Shortness;
  2. Persistent Cough With Blood;
  3. Low Blood Oxygen Level;
  4. Weight Loss & Weakness;
  5. Chest Pain;
  6. Fatigue;
  • Biphasic Cells
The Biphasic cell is produced with the combination of both Epitehlioid & Sarcomatoid cells. They can exist together in different parts of the tumor. The life expectancy varies from patient to patient as prognosis or the doctor's opinion depends on the ratio of the epithelial and sarcomatoid cells. Larger sarcomatoid cells mean a poor prognosis.

Stages of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma cancer is categorized into 4 basic stages with different symptoms and problems and treatment options available.
  1. Stage 1: The cancer is localized, the survival rate is higher and the surgery is the most effective way to remove the affected tissues from the human body.
  2. Stage 2: Cancer gets out of the origin and spreads in adjacent areas. Surgery is an option to remove the affected parts.
  3. Stage 3: Cancer spreads in the regional lymph nodes, and surgery is the option available in the selected cases, but not in all cases.
  4. Stage 4: Tumor occurs in the distant organs and the doctors adapt chemotherapy or immunotherapy.


  1. Mesothelioma Center
  2. OSHA - United States of America
  3. NHS - United Kingdom
  4. Center for Disease Control & Prevention - United States of America
  5. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - United Kingdom

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