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Saturday, September 3, 2022

An Introduction to Mesothelioma Disease

What is Mesothelioma Cancer - An Introduction

Mesothelioma cancer is a disease that develops in the lining that covers the outer surface of the body organs. The development takes place after exposure to Asbestos which is used in the construction industry for roofing, thermal and electrical insulation, cement pipes, coating, plastics, textile industry, paper, and other products.

The asbestos is inhaled and affects the lining of the lungs mainly but other organs are also affected e.g. heart and testicles. Every year more than 2,600 people are diagnosed with the condition in the United Kingdom only, and all over the world, the numbers are quite disturbing because of now awareness, legislation, reporting of disease, etc. The disease spreads more rapidly among people aged between 60-80 years, while in young ones it is also reported which is also affected by many other factors e.g., physical condition, ailment conditions, the industry they are working for, etc. So far, by location 4 main types of Mesothelioma cancer have been identified and characterized as listed below;

  1. Lungs - Pleural Mesothelioma
  2. Abdomen - Peritoneal Mesothelioma
  3. Heart - Pericardial Mesothelioma
  4. Testicles - Mesothelioma of the Tunica Vaginalis
Mesothelioma is rarely possible to cure but the spread can be controlled, and the medication available can increase life expectancy, and improve life quality.

Key facts about Mesothelioma!

  1. Long Latency Period - Approximately takes 20-50 years to develop into cancer;
  2. Pleural Mesothelioma (Lung Problem) accounts for 75% of all Mesothelioma cases;
  3. Average cases are reported in people aged 65 years or more;
  4. People working directly with minerals or products containing Asbestos are at greater risk;
  5. Symptoms of Mesothelioma are treatable, but the cancer is incurable;

Mesothelioma Cancer Symptoms

Post-exposure to asbestos, the tumor grows up, spreads, and presses against the chest wall, and abdominal cavity. A competent physician can diagnose the disease at the early stages, and the advantages of the treatment can be gained, but the symptoms are common, hence the misdiagnosis is common which can cause complicity and delay in treatment leading to other problems in the future.

The common Mesothelioma symptoms are listed hereunder;

  • Dry Cough
  • Breathing Problem & Respiratory Complication
  • Pain (Chest & Abdomen)
  • Night Sweats
  • Fever
  • Pleural Effusion (Water on the lungs)
  • Fatigue & Weakness

Who Is At Risk?

The workers engaged in the paint or construction industry are mostly prone to asbestos. Asbestos is used in various industries, hence the workers who handled the asbestos for a long time, or were exposed to a large amount of Asbestos are at greater risk. Furthermore, other people are also at risk who accidentally getting exposed to Asbestos. They inhale the airborne fibrosis of the Asbestos which resides in the body and develops the disease. These include the following ones;

  • Firefighters
  • Auto Mechanics
  • Miners & Chimney Sweepers
  • HVAC Technicians
  • Textile & Paint Industry Workers
  • Electricians
  • General Public

What Causes Mesothelioma Cancer?

Asbestos is considered the primary cause of Mesothelioma Cancer among human beings. The exposure takes place due to repeated usage of Asbestos-containing products e.g., talc, paints, construction material, etc. The fibers of Asbestos are capable of becoming airborne which are eventually inhaled by the victim and after entering the human body they reside in the lungs, abdomen, etc. The embedded cells cause inflammation, and as the latency period is quite long, therefore decades after exposure the symptoms appear, and the disease is diagnosed.

Why Mesothelioma Awareness Is Necessary?

Asbestos is the main reason behind Mesothelioma disease among humans which takes lives of 100,000 precious lives, and it is entirely preventable if Asbestos is banned across the globe. Other than this, several Asbestos-related diseases are incurable and fatal therefore it is need of time that the workers and public are educated and cost-effective and that reliable information is conveyed to them at all stages. In simple words, educating them means they would consider banning Asbestos more seriously.

Due to misconception, lack of information, and awareness, in the past no work was done, but now in the light of the present work, technology, and information, organizations are at the forefront of fighting against Asbestos usage and raising voices against it so that Asbestos usage is prevented. In addition to that, these organizations are also raising the funds for research and advocating the ban on Asbestos on all platforms.

September 26 every year is celebrated as Mesothelioma Day & information is spread among the public so that they can also participate in raising their voice against Asbestos usage.

How To Work Safely?

Asbestos is widely used in various industries as mentioned above, and the workers are prone to it, hence in the light of the regulations, the organization is responsible to take adequate corrective actions in order to escape exposure.

  1. Adapt the hierarchy of controls;
  2. Check and identify if the Asbestos is present at the worksite;
  3. Conduct a risk assessment of working with Asbestos;
  4. Take approval from the local government if applicable;
  5. Hire a specialist contractor for Asbestos removal and handling etc;
  6. Dump the Asbestos at a safe location in specialized carriers e.g., plastic bags;
  7. Monitoring of the workers during the work activity;
  8. Schedule the work activity and reduce the exposure time;
  9. Usage of the PPEs;
  10. Hire trained workers and convey the information;
  11. Use technology to increase the distance between workers and Asbestos contaminated material;


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