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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Onsite Fuel Storage Inspection Checklist

Download the Onsite Fuel Storage Inspection Checklist

Onsite fuel storage is part of an activity but it must be ensured the fuel storage on the site is in compliance with the national legislation. The checklist can be used to ensure;
  1. The area should be free of ignition sources.
  2. Firefighting arrangements are implemented.
  3. Hot work, and flame producing activities are performed away from the storage area.
  4. The storage vessel is in good condition, free of rust, cracks etc.
  5. The vessel is suitable for the material that is being stored.
  6. The bunding is done around the storage vessel to ensure it is able to secure the 110% of the stored material in case of leakage. Bund wall around the storage vessel is at least 20 inches high.
  7. The vessel is made of sound material.
  8. The vessel is grounded by the competent person.
  9. Fencing is done around the storage area to keep people away from it. Height of the fence is 6ft.
  10. Fire safety drills are conducted on regular basis.
  11. Workers are trained to perform the emergency plan in case of accident.
  12. Emergency contact details and gadgets are provided for communication.
  13. Site is inspected daily, trash and rubbish that is easily ignitable is removed from site daily.

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