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Monday, December 20, 2021

Hand Safety - Hand Protection at Workplace

Hand Safety - Hand Protection at Workplace

Every person uses his hands to perform the work activities on routine basis, but during work execution, hands also get injured. It is necessary to keep the hands out of danger. The legal requirements and moral ethics also require the hands should be safe and out of danger when perform the job. No society will accept that the worker gets hand injury during work execution.

If a worker gets injured at the workplace, the body part is damaged, as well as the organization also faces operational suspension along with financial damage. Similarly, some governments also take action against the employer if something bad happens to the worker.

To prevent the hand injuries, PPEs specially hand gloves are the good protection. The employer is legally bound to provide the worker with gloves, while the worker is also expected to take care of him. According to a study done by authorities showed that despite the usage of hand gloves, hand protection hand injuries at workplace are 2nd leading injuries at workplace.

Hand Safety Facts

Hand Injuries Types

Type 1: Laceration is a type of injury occurs during handling or movement of sharp edge objects that can give a deep cut to the body part or specially to the hands. When worker handles the sharp edge objects, or uses irrelevant and damaged glove, such incidents can take place.

Type 2: Fracture injury occurs when there is sudden weight placed on the fingers or hands. In garages during maintenance of the vehicle, such incidents occur where worker suddenly suffers excessive weight on the hands or fingers bones crack. If any worker is falling and tries to catch some support, the fracture injury is also suffered in that case.

Type 3: Crushing injury are most common injury a worker can experienced at workplace. Crushing injuries occur when worker places his hand between two moving objects, machinery parts, as well as when he puts heavy load on the ground and his hands get buried under the heavy load. The weight of the objects crushes his hand.

Type 4: Other Injuries include the exposure to the chemicals, electrocution injuries, hand burn due to fire and other incidents. If any worker is working in extreme conditions, the hand injuries can be experienced, e.g., hand skin tear due to extreme cold.

Safe Work Practice

Right Tool Use: Always use a right tool for the job execution. Use of wrong tool for work, or in a wrong manner should be discouraged. If anyone is seen using wrong tool for work, in a wrong manner should be stopped immediately. Any worker who is new at work should be trained before start of job. If any new equipment is introduced, the training should be provided about tool.

Body Posture or Ergonomics: Always be aware of the body position when performing the job and using tool. Ensure body parts are away from the moving and dangerous parts. Maintain a safe distance from the sharp and moving parts of the machinery. Don't attempt to cross the placed barriers or modify them to get closer.

Situational Awareness: Everyone is required to stay alert to ensure they are aware of activities taking place around them, what tools are being used, and who is using them. Are those tools and equipment inspected before use or not? If something is being done wrong, the user is incompetent, or any accident can occur stop the job immediately and alert others about it. 

Procedural Arrangements: Ensure safe work procedures are implemented. For example, tool is inspected before job by a competent person by using a Checklist. During maintenance activity, LOTO procedure is adopted to ensure the equipment is locked, tagged for maintenance, and any power source is isolated so that it can't be energized/activated accidentally.

PPE: Every worker is provided with PPEs at worksite. According to the job, they are provided with the hand protection or gloves to keep their hands safe. If they are dealing with chemicals, chemical resistant gloves should be provided. If they are handling sharp objects, relevant gloves should be given. Damaged or torn gloves should be discouraged to use.

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