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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Truck Mounted Concrete Pump Inspection Checklist

Download the Truck Mounted Concrete Pump Inspection Checklist👈

Truck Mounted Concrete Pump is used to shift concrete from the ground surface to the height where it is needed. The pump and boom are mounted on a truck, while the operator operates it from the ground. The pump is capable of shifting the material from the ground to the top of the boom where through a nozzle, it is dispersed at the desired location. Furthermore, the vehicle comes with multiple hazards as listed below;

  • Toppling sideways
  • Collision with obstructions, buildings, etc.
  • Working near the overhead power lines
  • Hit by moving equipment equipment
  • Electrical Shock from faulty circuits etc.
The equipment as per the regulations should be well-maintained, inspected before job commencement, and in good condition, fit for the job. The link mentioned above can be used to download a standard Inspection Checklist and use it to inspect the vehicle.

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