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Monday, February 21, 2022

What is Corrective Action Plan (CAP)?

What is Corrective Action Plan (CAP)?

Problems arise within and outside any organization due to multiple factors, and these problems create further trouble for the organizations in all aspects, whether it is economical, legal, reputational, or physical loss or regular operation hurdles, so no organization wants to face these problems during the routine work.

A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is part of any organization's management system where these problems are identified, relevant risks are evaluated, and Corrective Actions are taken to rectify these problems to prevent any further deterioration.

When an organization goes through audit either performed by External Body or Internally, the problems and concerns are revealed. When these problems have been revealed, the organization starts working towards their rectification on immediate basis. When an organization understands the revealed gaps in the management and operation process, corrective action plans are prepared and implemented.

In health, safety, and environment domain, the corrective action plan helps in identifying, resolving, and preventing issues of non-compliance, legal requirements, violations etc. Corrective Action Plan (CAP) helps the organization in staying focused to what is to achieve, organized and compliant of mandatory requirements.

Effectiveness of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) depends on the goals selected and implemented, and it ensures a meaningful Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is implemented. The goals should be SMART and must dictate the importance and direction to organization to aim for.


One thing must be remember, all kind of issues either related to management operations or addressing the occupational health, safety, and environment should be corrected on immediate basis, because a minor issue can trigger the big one, leading to severe consequences.

Why A Corrective Action Plan Necessary?

A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is more than a method to remain compliant of the requirements, and working in an approved manner. Corrective Action Plan (CAP) of an organization demonstrates the commitment of the management towards providing a safe, reliable, working environment, and protecting them from unexpected circumstances.

Benefit of Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Implementation

Diving deeper into the details, following elements can get benefit;

1. Protect Employees

Organization is responsible to identify the hazards, correct them, adopt control measures, and reduce the risk level to the acceptable level. This helps in protecting the employees against the known risks. In parallel to this, employee watch the employer protecting them from risks, their moral and trust builds up. Working in a safe, reliable, working environment, they try their best to take part in campaigns to improve the system and productivity increases with the passage of the time.

Those who work in a dangerous environment, will not take part in any campaign, or most probably they will quit the job since no one wants to risk his life.

2. Cost Saving

Correcting the risks can minimize company's losses, and money can be saved and used somewhere else if needed.

3. Preventing Legal Action

If any accident took place at worksite, or irregularity is found, local authorities or national government can take action leading to imprisonment, fine, etc. To prevent this legal action, the organization should have action plan implemented and executed so that all identified risks are corrected on immediate basis.

Types of Corrective Actions

Following Actions can be adopted as part of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP);
  1. Educate the employees
  2. Conduct Inspections
  3. Reduce the Accidents Rate
  4. Improvement of Implemented Work Processes
  5. Replace the defective equipment, tools, and accessories
  6. Use of competent person for work activity
  7. Raise awareness through campaigns
  8. Internal Auditing & 3rd Party Audits on regular basis

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