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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Jigsaw Inspection Checklist

A jigsaw is used in cutting woods, in shapes, curves etc on regular basis. Its slim blade helps in making shapes, and curves to give a good shape according to the need. The slim blade of the equipment can be loaded to the equipment through a spring-loading clamp at the front side.

The equipment makes the work easy in giving a smooth beautiful shape to the wood piece, and also poses a range of hazards, to the operator. These hazards need to be identified, for this purpose, use the Inspection Checklist to inspect the equipment before use. Follow the link above to download the form and inspect the equipment before start of the activity.

The equipment should be in good condition, the power cord or battery should be correctly attached, in good condition, and well insulated. The safety guard, control buttons, and lock button should be good, functional, and working properly. The equipment should be inspected for electrocution possibility if any faulty gadget is being used.

If equipment is found unfit during the inspection, the equipment should be replaced with new one and remove from the worksite to save life of operator.

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