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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Accident Incident Report Form Content

What Are The Contents Of The Accident Incident Report Form?

Accident Incident form is an essential document of the organization's management system as its main purpose is to capture the data collected through an incident investigation and present it in a concise form so that others can easily understand what is written and what is the purpose of this document.

The great deal of information used in the incident report form depends on the two main factors;

  1. The severity of the accident that has happened
  2. Use of the investigation and the report
The report should be as short as possible, and as long as its purpose. The main purpose of the incident investigation is to highlight the findings of the investigation process, identify the Root Causes behind an accident, suggest controls instead of blaming someone for the accident.

The investigation reports are used for criminal charges, as a case study, guidance as well as record. Report writing is not difficult but requires a set of skills and information. When writing a report, an investigator is required to take account of the necessary information. Following valuable information mentioned below should be part of an incident investigation report.

1. What has happened?

A summary containing what has really happened, give as much detail as you can to ensure that each and every point is covered and should be used for investigation. It can include the following information;
  • Date and Time
  • Location
  • Project Name & Site Location
  • Involved Person, Equipment, Tool, etc.
  • Investigation Report Reference Number

2. Details of events before incident

Provide details about the event(s) before occurring of the incident. It is a universal factor that there is more than one event behind an accident. Give brief details about all the events that were observed which ultimately lead to the accident.

3. Witnesses details and their statement

Name all those witnesses who were present at the site when the accident happened. As discussed above, the main purpose of an incident report is not to hold someone responsible for an accident, similarly, the purpose of a witness statement in an investigation is to collect information instead of blaming someone. They should be informed about the importance of their role in incident investigation.

If there is more than one witness, record their statement separately, better is to use a recorder to record their statement. Find out the key points from the witness statement.

4. Injury, Casualty, Property Loss Details

Details about the losses should be mentioned. If someone is injured, mention the severity of the injury. What kind of treatment was provided to them to promote recovery. If someone has died, the name and id number of the deceased should be mentioned. Any property loss, loss of equipment due to the accident should be described.

5. Causes Establishment

Root Causes, Underlying Causes, and Immediate Causes should be established separately. It must be remembered that only addressing the immediate causes will not prevent the reoccurrence. Being a Safety Professional, it is the duty of the HSE Officer to establish and address the root cause.

6. Conclusion & Recommendations

In conclusion and recommendation, an HSE officer can give his account of the incident, the financial loss sustained by the organization due to accident, any action was taken by the organization's management, legal action against the organization, elaborate on the existing control measures, and what is needed further to do to prevent the reoccurrence in the future.

7. Pieces of Evidence

As supporting material, pieces of evidence should be attached to elaborate the scene, visual identification of the damaged equipment, etc. The evidence should be labeled and damaged areas should be highlighted. Pictures and Videos used as a piece of evidence should be labeled and separate ID # should be given to every piece of evidence.

8. Signature of the Investigation Team Leader & Report Approving Person

The report should be reviewed and approved by the Investigation Team Leader whereas MD/CEO is liable to authorize the report after reviewing. Date & Time should be mentioned. 

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