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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Immediate Causes vs Underlying Causes vs Root Causes & Unsafe Act vs Unsafe Condition

Immediate Causes vs Underlying Causes vs Root Causes & Unsafe Act vs Unsafe Condition

Accidents occur at the workplace due to a lot of reasons and their investigation as well as implementation of necessary control measures is necessary to prevent the further occurrence. For this purpose, establishing the cause of the accident is a fundamental part of investigation.

The reasons/causes behind an accident are often divided into 3 categories mentioned below;

  1. Immediate Cause
  2. Underlying Cause
  3. Root Cause

The above mentioned terms may vary but the most important thing here is to look beyond the consequences and symptoms of the accident. Being an HSE Professional/ Incident Investigator it is necessary and first priority to dig deep and discover that why the accident occurred or why it was allowed to take place? Usually, the accident occurs due to a chain of event occurring in a series or chain. Each event triggers the next event and this process goes on until the accident takes place. 

Immediate Cause

It is the Direct Cause of the accident. e.g., the actual agent of the injury or damage, such as the sharp blade of the machine. 

Underlying Cause

It is the less obvious or organizational reasons behind an accident. e.g., no inspection of the machinery before start of job.

Root Cause

It is the main reason behind the accident and result of failure of management, organizational, and planning. 

Unsafe Act

Unsafe act is the human error or way of working of a human that is contrary to the accepted safe practice and which of course may lead to the accident during work. e.g., A worker is advised to obtain permit before commencing the job but he/she doesn't follow the procedure/given instructions and continue the job without obtaining the permit. As a result of his non-compliance the accident will occur.

Unsafe Condition

When unsafe act has been taken out/addressed, everything left behind is unsafe condition. It can be the physical condition of the workplace, work equipment, or the working environment where the work is being done. For example use of a tool without insulation for electrical work or working in low light. 

It must be remembered that unsafe act and unsafe condition alone can trigger and lead to an accident. Unsafe Conditions, Unsafe Acts are caused by the humans. These faults generally arise due to lack of knowledge, information, training, experience, or attitude of a person. 

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