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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Social Factors Which Influence an Organization's Health and Safety Standards and Priorities

 Social Factors and Their Influence on an Organization

Certain Social Factors influence an organization's health and safety standards particularly;

  • Economy
  • Governmental Policies and Legislation
  • Industry and Risk Profiling 
  • Globalization
  • Migrant Workers 
  • Social Expectations of Quality
All the above-mentioned factors are involved in influencing the Health and Safety Standards of an organization. These factors influence either in a positive and negative way. These factors are explained in detail further below.

1. Economy

The wealthiest countries of the world, where a man of the street has access to the basic necessities for life, such as food, water, shelter, and medical facilities have the funding to enforce good standards of health and safety. 

Those countries dedicate resources including to develop national legislation, set standards, take preventive and punitive actions and bring the culprits to court for jeopardizing the set standards of health and safety. UK's Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is a good example of this factor. As the country has a strong economy strict laws are applied and always maintained. They continuously improve their laws and include new elements to ensure good standards are enforced at all levels.

2. Government Policy and Initiatives

The government plays an important role in establishing good health and safety standards. Government creates legislation and enforces it at all levels by all means. In legislation, Punitive and Preventive actions to be taken in case of violation by anyone, are discusses and agreed upon. 

In 2008, the government of the United Kingdom issued a document entitled "Working for a Healthier Tomorrow" and the following points were made in that document;

  • Life Expectancy in the UK is higher than every, still millions of working days are lost due to work-related illness;
  • It was seen that those who work are more healthier than those who are out of job. A family without working person will certainly sufffer low income and poverty. 
  • Improving and maintaining good health standards of working age population is very critical. If it is maintained the economic growth and associated benefits will take place.  

It should be noted that government not only forms legislation but also provides guidance to organizations to maintain good standards of health and safety at the workplace. For this purpose, the government launches training sessions, visits facilities, runs webinars, and campaigns on social media and mainstream media. NGOs are given the responsibility to educate people.

3. Industry and Risk Profiling

Every industry has its own hazards. Few are general and some are specific hazards. The high-risk activities are always in requirement to have sufficient higher controls than those that create lower risk. 

For example, Nuclear Sector is very is dangerous due to the use of hazardous substances in-process and associated hazards. The hazards pose a serious threat to human life and the surrounding environment. To control these hazards, rigorous and high levels of controls and higher OSH standards are required. Each nuclear site is operated under license. 

But on the other hand, the construction industry is dangerous too but less dangerous, and requires less rigorous controls to mitigate the risk level. 

4. Globalization

As the world is changing, businesses are expanding and operating nationally and internationally. Multinational companies have their business expanded in many countries across the globe, so the standards demanded in one country can be very different for other countries or contrary to their standards. 

5. Migrant Workers

Migrant Workers are also a contributing factor in influencing good health and safety standards at the workplace. As the Immigration policies are flexible the proportion of migrants is increasing with the passage of every day. The communication and language barrier may influence the standards and expectations. Migrants may not be able to understand the requirements clearly or may violate the laws. 

6. Social Expectation of Equality

Effectiveness of Health and Safety Standards & Priorities can be determined by changes in the societal expectations of quality.

The Equality Act 2010 of the United Kingdom gives legal rights, to disabled people in the area of employment. It protects disabled people and removes disability discrimination. The Equality Act 2010 requires an employer to ensure the working environment is suitable for disabled people.

As a consequence, the organization or employer is liable to provide safe access, egress to disabled people at the workplace including ramps, lifts, support in case of emergency, in order to meet social expectations and legal requirements. 

Important Terms

HSE: Health and Safety Executive - A governmental Organization working for the development and implementation of Occupational Safety and Health standards and Implementation in the workplace, Provides information and Guidance. Maintains Incidents statistics.  

OSH: Occupational Safety and Health 

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