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Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30, 2024

Journey Management Form

Download the Journey Management Form👈

An organization on a routine basis performs the travel using the vehicles or contracts this activity to a 3rd party organization. Still, the activity poses a serious risk level to the worker performing the driving activity, the equipment it is carrying as well as the public in the surroundings.

Without sufficient control measures, the risk level can't be mitigated and reduced to as low as reasonably practicable. The journey management form which is actually a plan helps the organization to accumulate all identified hazards and pertaining control measures so that the driver/operator has an understanding of work activity and performs it as per plan.

Some other resources are also available for download:

HSE forms | HSE Checklists | Risk Assessments | Plans | Method Statements

Sunday, March 31, 2024

March 31, 2024

HSE Acronyms

Download the HSE Acronyms 👈

In the world of Health Safety and Environment, Acronyms play a vital role in documentation, communication, and legislative compliance. From IOSH, and HSE to OSHA, COSHH, and LOLER, it is crucial for an HSE professional to understand these acronyms otherwise, it can be difficult to perform the given task effectively.

In this blog, we'll dive into the world of some basic acronyms that are imperative for HSE professionals and are being used in routine life communication multiple times. Click on the abive-given link and download the file in word format.

Some other resources are also available for download:

HSE forms | HSE Checklists | Risk Assessments | Plans | Method Statements

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

April 18, 2023

Stress At Work

An Introduction to Stress!

"Stress is the adverse reaction people have due to excessive pressure or type of demands placed on them" (HSE UK).

The employer has the legal duty to protect the worker from stress, conduct a sufficient risk assessment, and act upon it. When wrong work demand is placed upon them or they are asked to perform a certain work activity in a narrow timeframe, they can't cope with it and feel stressed. Therefore the employer is required to ensure the worker is given the correct task and sufficient time to eliminate the stress at work.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE UK) in their November 2022 press release revealed the work-related stress statistics. According to the press release, figures showed 914,000 cases of work-related stress were reported while 17 million work days were lost due to anxiety, stress, and depression. (Press Release November 23rd, 2022).

Stress affects people differently, what stresses one person may not affect others. The stress coupled with others factors such as age, sex, skills, experience, and disability may all affect one person more severely than others.

There are 6 areas of work design that can affect stress levels. You should manage these causes of stress properly;

  • Demands - Employee not able to cope with the demands of his job;
  • Control - Employee not able to control the way he is doing work;
  • Support - Employee doesn't get enough information about tasks and support from management;
  • Relationships - Being bullied, difficulties in relationships with other workers;
  • Role - Don't understand the role and responsibilities thoroughly;
  • Change - Workers are not engaged during a change in business;
An employer is required to assess the risk in the aforementioned areas to manage the stress and corresponding risks in the workplace.

Signs & Symptoms

The difference in the worker's behavior is the sign of being under stress. Managers or supervisors must ensure they look after their employees and look out for signs of stress in teams and workers on an individual basis. 

If someone has been founder suffering from stress, the act on time can reduce the impact of the stress on him and make it easier to eliminate the cause of stress. There are some signs which indicate that the employee is under stress, and if someone is found with them, the employee should be referred to the general physician on an urgent basis. These signs/symptoms include;

  • Arguments;
  • Being aggressive;
  • High-staff turnover;
  • Absenteeism;
  • Mood swing;
  • Loss of motivation;
  • Reduced commitment to work;
  • Errors and Mistakes;
  • Sickness complains;
  • Reduction in performance;
  • Grievances;

A person who is under stress will behave in a strange manner such as;

  • Eat less than usual;
  • Use drugs, or medicines for relaxation;
  • Suffer difficulties in sleep;

In an order to ensure the workers are stress-free, an employer should assess the risk in the workplace and take preventive measures. A worker with stress will demonstrate some extraordinary signs which are also notable such as;

  • He'll take more time off;
  • He'll often report to work late;
  • He'll behave in a very nervous manner;
When an employer or supervisor observes this kind of change in his subordinate or junior, he must ensure the corrective actions are adopted and implemented to eliminate the stress.

Stress Risk Assessment

A standard risk assessment format can be used to identify the risks associated with stress. When carrying out the risk assessment, a 5-step process can be adapted to perform to assess the risks;

  1. Identify who might be harmed?
  2. What you are already doing?
  3. What further action you can adapt to mitigate the risk level further?
  4. Who will carry out the actions?
  5. When the action is needed by?
The worker who is found to be under stress should be referred to the GP for further treatment. The risk assessment should be reviewed on a periodic basis especially when the worker is given any new task or there is a change in the organization so that the corrective actions are taken on an initial basis. Early treatment will help in reducing the stress effects.

Useful Resources

Saturday, April 8, 2023

April 08, 2023

Dumper Truck Inspection Checklist

Download the Dumper Truck Inspection Checklist👈

Dumper Trucks are essential for transporting heavy loads from one location to another. These vehicles are commonly used in the construction and mining industries, among others. However, like any other machine, dumper, trucks require regular maintenance and inspections to ensure that they operate safely and efficiently.

A dumper truck inspection checklist is a tool that helps drivers and operators to ensure their vehicle condition is good pre and post-use. A checklist typically includes items such as brakes, tires, lights, fluids, and other essential components. Through a checklist, a driver can identify potential issues early and take corrective actions to prevent accidents, breakdowns, and other costly problems.

The inspection should be done on regular basis to ensure compliance and make sure equipment is fit for use. Any defect is identified and highlighted so that it can be corrected on an urgent basis and chances of accident occurrence associated with failure during operation are mitigated.

Follow the link available above and download the document in editable format.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 02, 2023

Chemical Storage Inspection Checklist - Monthly Inspection Form

Chemical Storage Inspection Checklist - Monthly Inspection Form👈

Chemicals are essential in many industries, but they can also pose a significant risk if not managed, stored, handled, and discarded in a comprehensive manner in accordance with the regulatory prerequisites and these hazardous materials can lead to workplace safety jeopardizing. Occupational health will be at risk if the corrective actions are not adopted. To ensure the safety of workers, the other occupiers of the premises, and the nearby residents who can be harmed due to the work activities and usage of these chemicals, it is crucial to conduct regular inspections and maintenance of the stored substance and the storage areas. Some organizations tend to inspect the storage regularly while others do it on monthly basis.

Through this post, we will understand why the inspection is mandatory and what things are to be looked at to ensure they are fit and in good condition as per the regulatory requirements. The checklist can be used to inspect the storage of the chemicals in a systematic manner to ensure every crucial point is checked.

The following points can be used to check the storage of chemicals and make notes if something is missing or not as per requirements.

1. Design and Maintenance;

2. Fire Protection Arrangements;

3. Electrical Safety Arrangements;

4. Safety Equipment & Arrangements;

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)

6. Material Handling Arrangements; 

7. Material Storage Arrangements;

8. Material Labelling;

Regular chemical storage inspections are critical for maintaining a safe workplace and protecting the environment, and preventing any accidents from occurring. Follow the link available above and download the editable inspection checklist.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

February 14, 2023

Safety Officer Weekly Inspection Checklist

Download the Safety Officer Weekly Inspection Checklist👈

Inspection is part of the HSE officer's responsibilities allocated to him, in order to ensure the area and equipment under his jurisdiction are inspected, tested, and maintained. The inspection gives the ability to highlight the issues which can lead to severe consequences and correct these issues before something bad happen.

Furthermore, it provides the ability to keep the workplace, equipment, workers, and the surrounding areas up to the required standards in order to meet the regulatory requirements. The inspection considers the various aspects of the workplace, working conditions, working equipment, tools, and accessories, the workers, emergency equipment and arrangements, etc.

The status is noted and the observations are made. The safety officer also provides the corrective actions to take in order to redeem the highlighted issues and bring them to the required standards. The follow-up inspection can be performed as well to ensure the corrective actions suggested are implemented.

To ensure the effectiveness of the inspection, a well-devised inspection form can be used. Follow the link available above and download it in the editable format. The inspection checklist can be modified and further information can be added as per the work requirements.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

January 26, 2023

Document Change Request (DCR) Form

Download the Document Change Request Form👈

The document change request is part of the document management procedure so that the document can be modified as per the changes and requirements. The document can be of any kind but the change should be made as per the requirements.

The procedure starts with the launch of the request form which helps in identifying the change, the part which should be changed, and if it is feasible for change or not. Through a proper assessment, the change is documented and sent to the endorsement person who reviews it and forwards it to the senior for approval.

Post-approval, the change is documented and the details are logged, while the document revision number, issue date, etc are also changed. It must be remembered, some organizations tend to change the revision number under certain conditions, such as the addition of a new part, major information, etc., while minor change doesn't require a change in the revision number, etc.

Follow the link available above and download the document in editable format.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

January 17, 2023

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) - Civil Work

Download the Job Safety Analysis - Civil Work👈

Civil work is related to the construction of myriad types of infrastructure for various uses. Civil work consists of the various activities being performed by multiple workers simultaneously at shared premises.

The construction sector is a complex working industry due to the diverse nature of the hazards and the rapidly changing circumstances which often lead to accidents if hazard identification and risk assessment are not performed comprehensively.

The regulations impose the duty on the employer to ensure that work activity-related risks are evaluated and mitigated to make the workplace safe and reasonable for work activities. The risk assessment is done to assess the risk but the Job Safety Analysis plays a vital contributory role in the breakdown of the work activity into small steps and evaluate the risk level so that appropriate controls are adapted for implementation.

Follow the link available above and download the document and modify it as per the requirements.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

January 10, 2023

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (F.M.E.A)

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis - A Hazard Identification Technique


Failure is a state or condition of the system, process, procedure, or equipment of not meeting the desired target or condition. In other words, it is the termination of the equipment, process, or worker's ability to perform the desired action. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (F.M.E.A) is a technique used to identify the modes of the failure of the process, or equipment and the critical effects it has on the system so that they can be analyzed.

The technique consists of two different phases which are described as "Failure Mode" which refers to the means or ways in which a product, equipment, or process can fail. "Effects Analysis" is the stage that includes the decomposition of these failures into sub-components and parts for the detailed examination. In summation, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (F.M.E.A) refers to a step-by-step approach to systematic inspection of components of a system, product, or process, and identifying the critical effects on the end user so that improvements can be suggested by providing proffering cost-effective solutions.

It is also used in incident investigation, and hazard identification as well as during the designing of the equipment so that the equipment that can fail can be identified and suitable action is taken to prevent the mishap. The findings are documented and made available to all of the involved stakeholders. In the continuous process, it is like a living document with credible information about the equipment that can fail at any time and how to control the accident.

What is the Importance of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis technique?

  • Presents options for addressing the failure modes and their consequences in advance;
  • Comprehensive fault detection mechanism;
  • Assists in assessing the performance of the system;
  • An effective mechanism for identifying the critical impact on human safety during system failure;
  • Provides an opportunity to adapt cost-effective controls against identified failure modes;
  • Product and process reliability is enhanced;
  • Provides an opportunity to satisfy the customer;

When to Perform Failure Modes and Effects Analysis?

The Failure Modes and Effects Analysis technique is used in various circumstances but generally, it is ideal for use when;

  • When a product, process, or equipment is being designed or redesigned;
  • When an existing equipment, product, or process is being applied in a different manner;
  • When modifying the existing controls and suggesting new plans;
  • When a customer is not satisfied as indicated by the feedback;
  • When the existing system or product is being analyzed for failure
  • Hazard Identification, Incident Investigation;
  • On regular intervals throughout the life of the product, process, equipment, etc.;

Types of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (F.M.E.A)

There are two major types of the FMEA technique;

  • Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)
This deals with product failure possibility and the consequent impact on safety and the environment. The design stage is analyzed for components failure by considering the factors like material properties, noise, components interaction, geometry, etc.
  • Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA)
This address the process failure possibility with consequent impact on process reliability, customer satisfaction level, and safety hazards. Factors like manufacturing procedure, operational procedure, environment, human behavior, etc., are considered.

Procedure for Implementing Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (F.M.E.A)

A general procedure is mentioned hereunder which can be taken as a guideline and can be tailored as per the industry since the FMEA procedure is different for industry and activity.

Assemble a cross-functional team involved in the development of the product/ process with diverse knowledge of components, process, operating procedure, customer needs, etc. These functions can include designing, manufacturing, reliability, quality, maintenance, procurement, sales and customer service, etc.

  • Product/ Process Description
Understand the process of the product being considered for the FMEA process. What can go wrong and in what manner so that credible control is implemented?

  • Flow Chart Creation
Develop a block flow chart to show the relationship between the components of a system or process steps and how it works?

  • Function Identification
The product or Process function is identified clearly and questions about it are asked properly.

  • Failure Modes
All failure modes in which equipment or components can fail to meet the desired target are identified.

  • Consequences Identified

What are effects on the overall system, environment, human safety, behavior, etc are identified? What happens when the system fails? Process engineers should be consulted during this phase to collect comprehensive information.

  • The severity of Failure Determination

The severity rating is allocated between 1 to 10 where 1 is insignificant and 10 is catastrophic. This helps in prioritizing the issues and catastrophic one is dealt with on a priority basis.

  • Root Cause Identification

The root cause of each failure mode is determined and recorded. It can be either a weakness in the design phase or a shortcoming in an operating procedure. All of the root causes should be recorded and documented.

  • Occurrence Likelihood

This includes the likelihood of failure of equipment/process during the lifetime, rated between 1 to 10 where 1 represents highly unlikely and 10 shows the failure will definitely occur.

  • Control Measures Determination

The suitable controls should be identified and recorded for implementation to prevent the failure from reaching the user. These controls should prevent the occurrence or reduce the impact severity.

  • Determination of Detection Rating

The control implemented should be determined how effective they are in tracing the failure mode or cause of failure before the user is affected. The rating is given between 1 to 10 where 1 shows the control will definitely detect the failure and 10 shows the control will not be able to detect the failure.

  • Risk Priority Number (RPN)

Risk Priority Number (RPN) is representative of Severity, Occurrence, and Detection. This helps the process engineer to allocate the number to the failures and put them in an order according to their number so that the most severe can be addressed first.

  • Identification of Recommended Actions

This includes the design or process changes to reduce the risk level or likelihood of occurrence.

  • Responsibilities and Time Frame

Responsibilities should be allocated and the timeframe given to complete the task. It will provide the opportunity to track the progress of improvement.

  • Results Determination

All of the results should be determined post-application of the suggested controls.

  • Re-Assessment
Re-assessment should be conducted and a Risk Priority Number should be noted to ensure effectiveness.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

December 21, 2022

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) - Scaffolding Erection & Dismantling

Download the Scaffolding Erection & Dismantling - Job Safety Analysis (JSA)👈

Scaffolding is a working platform used to work at height. Scaffolding is available in various forms to perform work activities in various locations which include the following ones;

  1. Tower Scaffolding;
  2. Single Scaffolding
  3. Cantilever Scaffolding
  4. Suspended Scaffolding
The erection and dismantling of the scaffolding is also a hazardous activity due to various factors including the fall from height during erection, contact with overhead lines, imbalance during scaffolding erection and dismantling, etc.

Moreover, if the scaffolding is erected by an incompetent person the risk of collapse exists, and the structure collapse can lead to severe consequences. It is mandatory that each and every step is assessed by a competent person before the erection/dismantling job commencement and make sure it is done safely. All of the hazards and risks are accounted for and risk level is mitigated to minimum workers are provided with a Safe System of Work (SSoW), a Safe Workplace, Correct tools, Training is provided, and workers are provided with PPEs and Fall Protection to ensure the minor risk of fall is also countered.

All of this can be achieved if the Job Safety Analysis is performed. The job safety analysis is a Hazard Identification technique that divides the main activity into steps and even further to ensure each step of the activity is analyzed & assessed individually and relevant controls are adapted for implementation. In layman's terms, the risk associated with each step of the main activity is assessed separately and managed.

Follow the link available above and download the Job Safety Analysis of the Scaffolding Erection and Dismantling job as a sample, and modify it as per requirements.

Friday, December 9, 2022

December 09, 2022

Onsite & Public Road Traffic Management & Planning Procedure

Download the Onsite & Public Road Traffic Management & Planning Procedure👈

In the routine work activities on the worksite, the onsite traffic is a part of the work activity being used to shift the load and the equipment from location to location while the other transportation is also used to bring in new material, tools, and equipment.

It also poses a serious threat to the onsite workers who can be injured in case of an accident. Furthermore, the management can also lead to a reduction in terms of loss of property, time, and cost while the project can be completed on time and chain management can stay effective.

The organization must ensure that the onsite traffic is managed and workers are provided with a safe work site, and working environment. ILO Convention C155, Article 16 also requires the employer to take reasonably practicable and ensure workers are also safe.

Use the link available above and download the document.

Monday, December 5, 2022

December 05, 2022

Method Statement for General Plumbing

Download the Method Statement for General Plumbing👈

General Plumbing is part of the construction and routine repair maintenance. The piping joints are made and repaired to make sure there is no leakage. The correct tool and equipment help in effective work completion.

In addition to that, the work also requires the work is performed safely, the correct prevention measures are adopted and implemented and the risk level is mitigated to the minimum level so that the regulatory requirements are met. The employer must take reasonable measures to protect the workers and meet legal requirements. [Ref: Article 16 of Convention C155]

Furthermore, the workers should be trained to perform the job activity, well aware of their responsibilities and job description. The workers are also required to take reasonable care of themselves and others who might be harmed due to their negligence or work activities. [Ref: Article 19 of C155]

Moreover, there should be concrete cooperation between the management and the workers/ worker representative when pursuing their actions as per articles 16 & 19. [Ref: Article 20 of C155]

Follow the link available above and download the document in the editable format.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

December 03, 2022

Warehouse Inspection Checklist

Download the Warehouse Inspection Checklist👈

A warehouse is a place for the storage of goods and items in large quantities, just like an amazon warehouse which is used to store the items for a certain period of time and in massive quantities. The warehouse is used for various purposes e.g., chemical storage, clothes storage, articles, and other things which can be stored simultaneously or separately.

The risk of fire ignition still exists due to the nature of the material stored and ignition sources available, therefore the organization must ensure the warehouse is safe and inspected through a systematic inspection regularly.

The requirements are;

  1. The housekeeping is maintained;
  2. The layout of the building is as per regulatory requirements and provided with adequate escape routes;
  3. The workplace is provided with firefighting arrangements in a functional state;
  4. The workers are trained and competent enough to use the firefighting arrangements;
  5. The electrical appliances and gadgets are inspected and available in good condition;
  6. The warehouse surface is clean and provided with adequate lighting arrangements;
  7. The local exhaust ventilation and the fresh air supply mechanism are provided and functional;
  8. The fire detection and fire alarm are provided and functional;
  9. Observations are made and suggestions are given to correct the loopholes and mistakes available;
  10. The next inspection date is provided and recorded;
Follow the link available above and download the document in the editable form.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

November 12, 2022

Fire Pump Monthly Inspection Checklist - NFPA

Download the Fire Pump Monthly Inspection Checklist - NFPA👈

A fire pump is part of the firefighting system and plays the role of the main component. It is used to supply water to the fire sprinklers and maintain pressure when not in use. The fire pump must be inspected on a regular basis in order to ensure it is functional and ready to use at any time. The fire pump is installed by competent people hence its inspection also requires a competent person.

A formal checklist can be designed and implemented so that a thorough inspection procedure can be performed and nothing is missed. 

Follow the link available above and download the document in the editable format.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November 09, 2022

Mobilization Risk Assessment

Download the Mobilization Risk Assessment👈

Mobilization Risk Assessment is part of the Mobilization Plan which is carried out in order to identify the hazards and the risks associated with it so that timely corrective actions can be identified and implemented to minimize and mitigate the adverse effects. The risk assessment consists of the formal procedure which is used to identify the hazards against a specific activity, the associated risks, and their risk level is also identified.

Once the severity level is identified, the effectiveness of the existing controls will be evaluated to verify if they are sufficiently effective, otherwise new or additional controls will be identified and implemented. Through the monitoring process, their effectiveness will be monitored and on-spot corrections will be made to keep the effectiveness.

Follow the link available and download the Mobilization Risk Assessment form in excel format.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November 02, 2022

Mobilization Plan

Download the Mobilization Plan👈

Mobilization Plan means a plan devised by the contractor describing the mobilization of the workers, equipment, tools, machinery, and other objects for project execution.

The plan helps in determining the cost of the equipment, workers, setting up the laydown area, offices, building areas, and other general facilities to commence and deliver the project by maintaining high standards of quality, safety, and environmental protection standards.

It can be attached to the Project Plan document and comes with multiple other forms attached as its appendices. The document can be downloaded in editable format. Follow the link available above and download the document.

Monday, October 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

Project Hazard Analysis Form

Download the Project Hazard Analysis Form👈

A project hazard analysis form is used to identify the hazards which are associated with the activities intended to be performed as a part of the project. The activities can be of various natures e.g., work at height, confined space work, demolition work, chemical usage work, etc.

In addition to that the form can be used in recording important findings of the project-related activities and their hazards so that before something bad happens, corrective action is adopted. The document is available in an editable format and can be modified as per need.

Follow the link available above and download the document.

Friday, October 28, 2022

October 28, 2022

Weekly Safety Report Form

Download the Weekly Safety Report Form👈

The Weekly Safety Report Form is a document used by the organization to accumulate and present data about the weekly activities of the organization in terms of health and safety. The report is used to present the data about the leading and lagging indicators, the manpower, the work activities performed, the start date and the end date, and the total man hours.

Furthermore, the document is also used if there are any observations and how to perform these observations. Follow the link available and download the document in the editable format.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

October 26, 2022

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Newsletter

Download the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Newsletter👈

A newsletter is a tool used by the organization to share valuable information and guidelines with its valuable customers, prospects, and of subscribers. The newsletter can be generated and shared over email or delivered via post.

Similarly, the organizations also generate the Occupational Health Safety (OHS) newsletter to share the details with the clients, and other prospects about the operations, improvements, and future commitment of the organization. The newsletter depicts what the organization is doing and how it will perform in the future.

The OHS letter also comes with a message from the top leadership of the organization. In addition to that, the leading indicators can be shown in the letter to show what are the good aspects of the organization. Moreover, the organization also shares information about the initiatives which have been launched.

Follow the link available above and download the document in the editable format.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

October 19, 2022

Download the HSE Annual Report

Download the HSE Annual Report Template👈

HSE Annual Report is the document an organization produces in order to describe its performance to the public or to all of the stakeholders engaged in a particular activity. The report consists of multiple elements consisting of the various parameters showing the positive and negative aspects of the performance over the period of time.

In a general HSE Annual Report Template, the organization shows;

  1. Top leadership commitment in form of the QHSE Policy;
  2. CEO message;
  3. No of trainings & Risk Assessments;
  4. Any new initiative adopted by the organization;
  5. Number of Risk Assessments and Inspection carried out;
  6. No lagging indicators;
  7. Conclusion;
The above-mentioned list is just an example of what is included in the annual report. It can be changed partially or thoroughly due to the organization's work scope. The document "HSE Annual Report" is available in an editable format and can be downloaded from the link available at the top.