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Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 02, 2023

Chemical Storage Inspection Checklist - Monthly Inspection Form

Chemical Storage Inspection Checklist - Monthly Inspection Form👈

Chemicals are essential in many industries, but they can also pose a significant risk if not managed, stored, handled, and discarded in a comprehensive manner in accordance with the regulatory prerequisites and these hazardous materials can lead to workplace safety jeopardizing. Occupational health will be at risk if the corrective actions are not adopted. To ensure the safety of workers, the other occupiers of the premises, and the nearby residents who can be harmed due to the work activities and usage of these chemicals, it is crucial to conduct regular inspections and maintenance of the stored substance and the storage areas. Some organizations tend to inspect the storage regularly while others do it on monthly basis.

Through this post, we will understand why the inspection is mandatory and what things are to be looked at to ensure they are fit and in good condition as per the regulatory requirements. The checklist can be used to inspect the storage of the chemicals in a systematic manner to ensure every crucial point is checked.

The following points can be used to check the storage of chemicals and make notes if something is missing or not as per requirements.

1. Design and Maintenance;

2. Fire Protection Arrangements;

3. Electrical Safety Arrangements;

4. Safety Equipment & Arrangements;

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)

6. Material Handling Arrangements; 

7. Material Storage Arrangements;

8. Material Labelling;

Regular chemical storage inspections are critical for maintaining a safe workplace and protecting the environment, and preventing any accidents from occurring. Follow the link available above and download the editable inspection checklist.